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Which world to be in?

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October 20, 2010
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PostPosted:     Post subject: Which world to be in?
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Should a hard of hearing person belong to the deaf community or the hearing world? Which one would the person be more accepted in?

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Posted:     Post subject:

`As someone who is hard-of-hearing, I don't see the answer as "either/or". I was raised in a hearing family, was mainstreamed in school, and can sort of, with difficulty, hear conversations one-on-one in a quiet room. But it is not easy to live that way. That's why I got in touch with the local deaf community this month and started hanging out with them and started learning ASL. And it's great. I feel like I fit in somewhere.

Nonetheless, I have a foot in both worlds. I won't give up either world. Acceptance is as acceptance does. You are accepted by those who accept you. Some hearing people will accept you and not accept you. Some deaf people will accept you and not accept you. It's life.

Hope that helps. :)

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Posted:     Post subject:

`I grew up with deaf people sister and my x hubby is deaf... now I have problems hearing people.. to answer your question you would be accepted..... deaf, hard of hearing even if you are not... thats the kind of people they are accept anyone

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Honestly? I found out after loosing my hearing that, I was being shunned which made me feel like I didn't belong any longer to the hearing public however I believe it is your God given right to belong to either or but where you will be accepted? Most likely the deaf community simply because they know what it feels like to be shunned by the Non-hearing impaired individuals thus allowing you to relax and feel like you finally belong somewhere which is really unfortunate but true. I can hear pretty good with a hearing aid mind you but I'm still being stigmatized as though I'm deaf and can't hear at all.

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January 7, 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 22, 2019 8:00 am    Post subject:
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this forum is outdated...I am hoping to reopen it.

"Should a hard of hearing person belong to the deaf community or the hearing world? Which one would the person be more accepted in?"

Where I live it's been hard to connect with other hoh and the deaf community. We are scatter about and any activities for the deaf and HOH are outside of the city where I live. Therefore I feel left out in both world.

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