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cochlear implants anybody??

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July 12, 2007
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does anyone here on this site have a cochlear implant?

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July 30, 2007
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PostPosted:     Post subject: Yep I'm a cochlear implant user
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Hi Daisy,
I've had mine 13 years now, what was it you wanted to talk about?

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.What up I want chat mexicanz guy
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October 7, 2008
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`iv have had my implant 8 years

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March 8, 2009
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`I have a question if anyone cares to respond. I resently just went through all the testing for the implant- they are currently in the process of writing up my report and sending it to my audiologist- I am still not quite sure what they are looking for that would make me able to continue in this long evaluation process. I would really like to get one, actually double CI. Any feedback as this this whole process, thanks you so much

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July 30, 2007
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Hi, Hoping you have had your implant if not hope you at least have a date for it.

Yes it does take a while going through the test's they want to make sure that everything will work for you before you go through the operation. Once you do have the op your connected to the outside parts within 4 weeks if everything has gone well. (They shave half of your hair off so if your having a double CI you will either be bald or have a mowhican, I just wore a head scarve for a few months)

When I went for my connection it was pretty strange because they played me sounds hard to explain the only thing coming close is from the film Close Encounters of the 3rd kind where space ship plays sounds to the scientists and they play sounds back. (Not sure if you know this just realised that film was before I lost all of my hearing) I was pretty worried wondering what I had let myself in for when my doctor switched my inplant on and said "Thats it can you hear me" And I was so shocked I could actually hear what was being said to me, but also happy with all the new sounds I could hear although most frightend me at first like swing doors closing behind me and flushing the toilet lol. It took a while to get used to but you get there in the end sometimes you hear things that you just can't work out at first like rain fall or leaves rustling in the trees, used to have to ask my daughter "What is that noise"? and she would tell me. Dogs barking is too strong for me also when babies are crying for long periods I just used to switch it off lol.

The best thing for me is my inplant helps control my tinitus which used to be so bad would have headaches non stop for weeks, if I leave my implant off for a few hours Tinitus returns I can cope with a little bit but when it gets too loud I put my inplant on, so I am very happy and just been fitted with a new behind the ear one without the wire and seperate processor.

Let me know how your getting on praying everything goes well for you. Good luck.

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October 3, 2010
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`I have had a cochlear implant for about 8 years now, right now I'm using a device called baha BP 100 is very nice hearing aid because is adjustable to what ever scenario you are in.

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November 17, 2010
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PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: cochlear implants anybody??
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daisy1964 wrote:
does anyone here on this site have a cochlear implant?

yes i have cochlear impland u can find me davidpirate2pattheyahoo

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December 20, 2011
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`I shaved half my head once, just because.
Me and my best friend were going to do it together.
She chickened out, and later betrayed me with my ex.
Her not shaving her head should've been a SIGN!

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